Who We Are

Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, the Center is a partnership between researchers and school districts working together to enhance the capacity of rural schools to address youth mental health concerns.

Who We Are

U.S. map linking Missouri, Montana, and Virginia
Pen and paper icon

What will we do?

Together, we will develop and evaluate a comprehensive approach to improving student mental health through early identification, prevention, and intervention for rural schools.

Computer with data icon

What will we develop?

The work of the Center will culminate in the Early Identification System, a comprehensive web-based system for rural schools to identify, prevent, and intervene on student mental health concerns. The Center will develop a policy toolkit for state and national policymakers, offices of public instruction, and school districts to inform decision makers on the current trends and knowledge gained in best practices in rural school mental health.

Our Team

Wendy Reinke, PhD
University of Missouri

Keith Herman, PhD
University of Missouri
Catherine Bradshaw, PhD
University of Virginia

Carol Ewen, MA, EdS University of Montana

The current Early Identification System model includes:

teacher and student-report assessment tools
A dashboard system in which
these data are shared with schools and linked to a menu of evidence-based interventions that schools can choose from to implement
A dashboard system in
which these data are shared with schools and linked to a menu of evidence-based interventions that schools can choose from to implement

Web-based professional development and coaching to support the implementation of selected interventions

Tools to monitor
the progress and effectiveness of interventions selected